Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prayer of the Day

Easter Acts of Consecration

Leader: Let us commend ourselves and all people
to the love and protection of the Mother of God.

All: Holy Mother of God,
Mary ever Virgin,
intercede for us with the Lord our God.

Leader: God who is mighty has done great things for us.

All: And holy is God's name.

Leader: Let us pray:


We, your sons (and daughters)
Look to you as we treasure and ponder
The Rising of Jesus - your Son and our brother.
Teach us how that marvelous moment can topple the proud,
Elevate the lowly, feed the hungry,
And mission the rich - even today.
Confident in God's power and love,
Trusting in the Risen Lord,
Relying on the Promised Advocate,
The Spirit of Life and of Truth,
We dedicate our lives, in your name and for your honor
To the transforming power of Easter.
