Saturday, April 30, 2011


Easter Acts of Consecration

Leader: Let us commend ourselves and all people
to the love and protection of the Mother of God.

All: Holy Mother of God,
Mary ever Virgin,
intercede for us with the Lord our God.

Leader: God who is mighty has done great things for us.

All: And holy is God's name.

Leader: Let us pray:


We ask for your powerful presence this day,
Just as you shared it
With the frightened disciples in the Upper Room.
Teach us, as you did them, to rely upon God's promises,
Upon our brother and Lord, Jesus, and
Upon the Advocate and Comforter,
The Spirit of Life and Love and Truth.
May we live as you did, in strong hope and invicible
And be transformed by the power of the Resurrection
Into true hearers and doers of God's will.
