Monday, March 2, 2009

Prayer of the Day

Prayer for Joyful Fidelity to our Mission

by Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.

Lord God,
We thank you for our salvation in Jesus Christ.

We thank you for the call he gives us –
Not a call to sit in a corner cowering in fear over our enemies,
Mystified about how to overcome the Culture of Death,
Despondent because of our sins,
Or worried about the perceived political strength of our opponents.

Rather, it is a call to stand victorious in the light of the Resurrection
And to proclaim to the Culture of Death:
“You have been conquered!
You have no place here,
No power to defeat the forces of truth and goodness!”

Yes, Lord, we stand in that light
And we are filled with joy –
Not a superficial joy that rises and falls
With the ebb and flow of circumstances beyond our control,
But with the profound joy
That only you can give
And that nobody can take away.

In the strength of that joy,
May we your people continue to proclaim your truth
And share your grace
Not only within the walls of our Churches,
But in the halls of government,
In the voting booth,
In the media,
And in every inch of the public square.

Lord, in our work for you, may we find you.
In our efforts to change the world, may we ourselves be changed.
In our struggle to build a Culture of Life, may we find life eternal.

We pray through Christ our Lord.